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13under13 Countdown:
Fri at 8PM ET/5PM PT
Sat at 8AM & 4PM ET/5AM & 1PM PT
Sun at 11AM ET/8AM PT

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Doctor Noize Ripped His Pants

Oh well. I'm sure he's not the only one to whom that has happened. But Mindy found out about it and decided to give him a call. He didn't answer, so she left him a rambling (is there any other kind of Mindy message?) and sang him "Happy Birthday" (no it isn't his birthday.

A little later in the show, Mindy got a call from none other than Doctor Noize! He then sang Happy Birthday to her (it isn't her birthday either). He chatted about how he ripped his pants. He told us that he has backup plans for everything, but no backup pants!!

He likes to play lots of instruments and sing at the same time, but he hasn't mastered doing both while playing the saxophone. He thinks maybe he could play it with his nose.

While he isn't a real doctor, he is looking forward to playing at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis in five weeks. He is also trying to get his muscles big enough so he can jump to the moon.

Dr. Noize has a CD and a book called The Ballad of Phneas McBoof.

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We are a regular family who are fans of KiDS Place LiVE (was XMKiDS). We have no business or family relation to XM, except that according to my daughter, she and Mindy are BFFs. XM/Sirius Satellite Radio is in No Way Responsible for the Content Within This Fan Site